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Mike RS2300

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About Mike RS2300

  • Birthday 04/19/1983

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Mike RS2300's Achievements

Grand Master

Grand Master (14/14)

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  1. How are you? Long long time no speak. Are you all grown up now?
  2. Wow, this is nostalgic. Just chatting to a mate about my car and was desperately trying to find pictures of it. Sifting through the messages, I was a massive d*ck back then. Apologies to anyone I offended in my latter stages. I was immature and going through some crap. I'm all grown up now, at least in body if not brain. Just out of interest, anyone know what happened to my beaut of a car after I sold it? Anyone got any pictures or videos, please share. Mike Yade Yadekim Mikeday83 Yadekim83 Mike RS2300 Etc....
  3. Ul get used to it soon enough though, thats the sad fact when it comes to having quick cars!!!
  4. 29 front, 31 rear!!
  5. it' starting to pick up where it left off now, shame it looks like we are permanently "missing" a few top people tho The best days are still 2 come tho, trust me! Not without some of the "evo greats" im afraid.
  6. the general lack of activity on the board makes it unneccesary anyway. The best days are gone
  7. Looks good bud, need an updated sig now!
  8. Knowing that torque is a force of turning motion and an engine converts linear to rotational the torque is used to spin the crank When the piston is at the top of its stroke the torque is none, as the piston is forced down the torque is turning the crank. Examples I had when i did mechanical science at college was of steam engines transfering cylindrical to linear movement. The weight bit, not sure where you were going with that but its based on the force created by the bang forcing the piston down!!
  9. Id rather have the escos!!!!
  10. Aint that the case with any female??
  11. Can I just add well done for Celtic beating man u. To sum things up Liverpool and Chelsea managed to thrash Celtic in terms of scoreline and performance..... Looks like the red devils time at the top is up. They were lacklustre last year and id say they are gonna get worse. The power has shifted south to London where the real title challenge will take place.
  12. No not quite that much but if i hadnt spend the money i did id have a good 16K to spend now If i kept goin on the car to get it how id like it id spend more than 15K for sure
  13. Put it this way, if i had waited and not got the RS and done all the work on it etc I would probably own a good condition Escort Cossie which has always been my dream car
  14. wonder if they need a replacement for chloe You can rule 99.9% of the people on here having a chance, they tend not to go for ugly people
  15. And how much money have you got????
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