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Adrian Flux


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Keep away from these cowboys!!! gotta get onto the blower to em asap as they say i've not declared my Air filter when they originally worked out my premium (which i did do btw, lets hope they really do record the phone calls) and now they want an extra £95 odd including admin fee's etc to "rectify" the premium :vangry:


Arseholes, thats all i can say :kill: i wouldnt even pi55 on em if they're were on fire :thumb:

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remember the words 'INSURANCE OBUDSMAN' if they try makin you pay, any insurance policy they have to look into, the company has to pay £2000 JUST for them looking at the case never mind paying out anything if they arae found to be wrong......


if they wont budge ask them for the number AND address for them and tell them your going to them because its not right, and let whoever your speaking to, to go and speak to their manager as this is their last chance :thumb: i dont think adrian flux record their calls, i got told they didnt? probs lying again though


hope u get it sorted :thumb:

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LMAO just to add i JUST got off the phone to them for my new/old escort quote for cange of car on friday


INS is stayin the same (even though its 2 grps higher) but ihave to pay a £25 admin charge!!! FFS rip offs! £25 for sumit that costs no more that £1!


wish every company was like more than, they dont take deposits, dont charge admin fees ETc...


EDIT: who you callin fuk ups?


me + rob


adrian fllux?

Edited by geordie_aaron
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LMAO just to add i JUST got off the phone to them for my new/old escort quote for cange of car on friday


INS is stayin the same (even though its 2 grps higher) but ihave to pay a £25 admin charge!!! FFS rip offs! £25 for sumit that costs no more that £1!


wish every company was like more than, they dont take deposits, dont charge admin fees ETc...


EDIT: who you callin fuk ups?


me + rob


adrian fllux?



He's talking about the Fcuk up adrian flux did about robs Air Filter :thumb:

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They wanted to charge me a £300 admin charge to swap from one car to another.


That was just the admin charge. They really are a bunch of unprofessional assholes. Cant wait for renewal time.


Why declare an air-filter? Its a bolt on part that takes 5 seconds to return to standard, its not like it gives you any real power or can be seen from outside the car?

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They wanted to charge me a £300 admin charge to swap from one car to another.


That was just the admin charge. They really are a bunch of unprofessional assholes. Cant wait for renewal time.


Why declare an air-filter? Its a bolt on part that takes 5 seconds to return to standard, its not like it gives you any real power or can be seen from outside the car?

when you own a £10k+ ar you want everything decleared coz if you have a crash and they find parts you didnt tell you about they either wont pay out for that part or will not pay out AT ALL and take you to court for 'non-discloser'


and £300, think thats abit OTT m8 not £30?

Edited by geordie_aaron
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£300 mate. I laughed at them and asked them to repeat it. Needless to say I told them to shove it and insured the car with a diff company.


Point I was making about an air-filter, is its a 10 minute job to remove. It doesnt add power (realisticly) to the car nor does it add value to the car. Its not like a set of wheels that can be spotted on the car if you know what I mean.


I declare all my mods. But I wouldn't declare an airfilter as its pointless.

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I declare all my mods. But I wouldn't declare an airfilter as its pointless.



that makes declaring ya other mods pointless then. Wasting money imo :(


declare ALL or none. :thumb:



you cant change that air filter over if you need to go hospital and the police recover the car ;)

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